We have installed over 100 LED 5000K white lights in my home.
It started with 6 in our bathroom. In this case more is better.
Try a few. Place them where you are for an hour or two a day, whether it is in your kitchen, office or study, bathroom, home gym. You will feel different within a day or two as your depression lifts.
About LEDS
LEDs are semi conductor diodes that convert electricity into light energy. When electricity is passed on to the LED chip a colored light is emitted. The color emitted is directly related to the chemical composition of the LED chip. Another way to describe an LED is “solid state lighting” (SSL).
What are the chief benefits and features of LEDs as a source of light?
- White light helps to lift mood in depressed people.
- Lower Power Consumption – LEDs consume 10% of the energy of incandescent. This means lower power requirements and batteries will last 10 times longer.
- Reliability-LEDs are rated for 100,000 hours of operation or 11.5 years continuous use. The extended life translates into less downtime and related labor/replacement costs
- Durability and virtually little or no heat- this lowers your electricity bill for your air conditioning system.-Since LEDs do not employ a filament as in incandescent, solid state lighting is impervious to shock and vibration. With very little heat produced, LEDs are not susceptible to heat deterioration of its inner parts, like filaments employed in incandescent.
- LED Quality of Light -LEDs emit a noticeably intense directional output of light. The light emitted from an LED is stronger, sharper and more vibrant than incandescent, which emit light predominantly as a result of intense heat.
LED white light is created by:
(a) mixing several LED chips of different colors to make white light in the LED housing
(b) using a blue LED with a phosphor coating which converts the blue light to white

Since LED lights are more expensive, are they worth the purchase?
While being more expensive at the out set, they save money over the long run due to their longer life and in the case of batteries which will last 10 times longer in a LED battery operated device.