Saturday night was not the normal calm and relaxed chill action around here. OY, we had a close call.
Andy was in the bathroom doing his business and he came running into kitchen a said, “I hear an animal screaming outside don’t you?” Upon hearing this, I ran outside to look. It was dark and I looked toward the grass but saw nothing and still heard doggie crying. The other dogs ran to side of pool and Ice was there struggling at the side (fortunately his head was not submerged.) We pulled him out, wrapped him in towels and took him inside. He was shaking and we rubbed him and got a hairdryer to warm him. He was cold and scared. Then we read that when a dog gets cold from water submersion that there is danger of a quick blood sugar drop so we gave him a little gluten-free cheese pizza and kept him wrapped and held for a few hours. He seemed to stop shaking after that so we all went to sleep.
As you might imagine, the other 4 dogs got jealous and wanted to be wrapped in towels and given pizza also. Oy what a night.
Thank goodness he wasn’t hurt worse. We are moving because Ice has major cataracts and we are going to be cautious until then so we don’t lose him due to his night blindness.