Problem of the day…..CAN’T DECIDE
It’s hard to know what’s best. What to do is not always as obvious as you’d like it to be.
You are not alone. Everyone just about has trouble making up their mind, figuring out what’s best; WHAT TO DO?
Well there is no solution as usual but there are some tricks of the trade that work in the dog world so who knows?
First morning comes, I wanna stay in bed but I have to pee. Which wins… the pee.
Ok so now I’m up, that wasn’t that hard. Now to get ready to do my chores.. Dog’s have chores. They also have schedules and get unnerved if you mess with them. As far as this dog, I like the same every day. If you do pretty much the same every day, there are no decisions to worry about. At least on the micro level. I’ve found most people do pretty much the same thing every day.
They get up. Brush their teeth. Take a shower. (I hope woof,woof) Get on the scale. Not like their weight. Go to kitchen and get something to drink usually coffee of water. Take their vitamins and eat something small. So far really no decisions unless you want to make some like, “What can I eat that’s different today?” WHY??? Just eat whatever and don’t worry about it. These are non-decision decisions. It doesn’t matter (unless it’s gluten or something you are allergic to.
Now you’ve spent 274 words and you are not even dressed .Please get dressed and get out of here if you need to be at work. Don’t be late, it is rude.
If you don’t work the first thing in the morning, then you have got to start making decisions.
OK what?
How are you going to spend (waste) your time? It is up to you.
Some people are list makers so as soon as they get dressed they sit down and make a list of things they would like to get done in the near future. These can be Mr. fix-it stuff, shopping (grocery list), or planing future fun with others (involves lots of decisions because you must be sure you please everyone) HA, Please your self and your peeps that’s enough.
A dog’s world is small. We are basically into food, shelter and love. That’s it.
People can stretch.. if they decide to. Help others, go to church, go to a class, run a few miles, shoot some pool or go to the mall etc. The choices are countless but it does involve decisions.
You must by now think this is one of the dumbest articles you have read to date on this site but it isn’t. Did you read, “Mom where did colored latex gloves come from?” Dry tale woof, it is close to my heart though so..
Ok decisions.
Quit Job
Get Married
Get divorce
Get sober
Got to school
Quit school
Get pregnant
Cheat on your significant other
Eat bad food
(things on the list seem to be deteriorating)
My Louie the therapist suggestion for helping to make all of the above decisions or any other is the paper and pen solution.
Get a paper, fold it longways in half. Write your dilemma at the top, title one column yes and the other column no.
Now start brainstorming and be sure to write a pro and then a con and keep it even. Don’t just focus on one or the other. Most important, be honest this is your list. You aren’t going to show it to anyone.(eat it if someone enters the room woof woof)
Keep going. The list has got to be exhaustive and it will probably not be conclusive at first. If you run out of pros and cons, decide the answer to your dilemma then. Don’t wait!
(you can always change it later) or put the list in your pocket and make a decision NOT TO MAKE A DECISION. Put it on hold.
Hope this tip helps. Please don’t decide to do bad stuff or lie and trick people who love you. No matter how crazy good you think it is going to feel, it is not worth causing pain to people you love through selfish carelessness.
Believe it or not, it is better to get counseling together as a couple or a family and work
through it than to go wreck your life their life and the other people involved and their people. OY. Don’t be a putz. Keep it as honest as you can and decisions will be easier to make. You can still break up the relationship if you want but just keep it open so innocent people don’t get hurt. Be true to your self first and remember that you can always trust your instincts woof woof.