Patient: Louie, I hesitate a lot and don’t manage to get anything done.
What to do?
LOUIE THE THERAPIST DOG: In my opinion, you are suffering from one of two disorders both of which are easy to remedy.
1)WAIT AND SEE DISEASE- This is characterized by starting to do something and then suddenly stopping for what you believe is the pause to refresh but really is underlying fear that you are about to make a mistake. You think, “Well, I’ll just wait and see how this turns out rather than interfere in life’s consequences.” Some people call this, “Let nature take its’s course.” Either way you have given up. Don’t give up. Keep your eye on the prize. You don’t have to drop the ball an leave the court and go home. If you are interrupted by outside forces, don’t stop. Pick up immediately where you stopped and start at that point. Don’t go back to the beginning and start over.
Professional musicians when playing a song just keep going to the final
cadence. Even if you mess up, keep your rhythm going and just finish the song. You will find that some of this hesitation you experience is due to a lack of self-confidence about the task you are performing.Chances are, you are in the right place at the right time doing what you are supposed
to be doing so why the fear of screwing up Unless you are super overtired, under the influence or really upset about something else going on in your life, you have the skill set to do this. Whatever it is,don’t stop. Take a deep breath while you are continuing and you will finish your task at hand. At he end of the day, you will find as you reflect on your daily accomplishments that you have done a lot. List them at first and you will see the immediate payoff of persevering. Don’t stop. Keep going.
This is a core attitude that really could benefit
some internal reflection.
Why don’t you care? Are you pissed off at someone? Do you feel cheated?
Too bad. There is no outside excuse to stop you from succeeding in your daily activities. These people that got you mad are fools. Forget about them. Just start to care about what you do and let fate take care of them. F— them is a good attitude to take towards people who have gotten inside your head and are living there rent free. Just remember this, you gotta do what you gotta do. Breathe. Remember they have their own highr power taking care of them and it is not you.
Maybe you don’t care about doing your daily stuff because you are depressed. Nonsense. Get some help. It is available. Some people are so messed up that a little anti-deppressant goes a long way. If you have been experiencing these symptoms of don’t give a shititis, ask for help from a professional. Who knows, it just might work. You are asking a dog for advise after all aren’t you?
There could be a lot of other reasons that you hesitate a lot. Chances are though unless they are a physical issue like brain damage, dementia, Tourettes or such, try these tips and see if it helps. woof,woof.